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![]() Written by:Awil Ali Hashi with Abdirahman A Hashi Amount: $19.95 (paperback) |
![]() Retold by: Said Salah Ahmed / Illustrated by Kelly Dupre Lion's Share/Qayb Libaax (A Somali Bilingual book) The hungry animals of the Somali forest have worked together to kill a big fat camel. Now they must decide how to divide it. Will the portions be equal? Not with the lion in charge! Read this popular Somali fable and see why, as the other animals come to understand, "the lion's share is not fair!" Amount: $15.95 (paperback) View details |
![]() Written by: Adam S. Abdi Laba-Qarax Guur "shattered marriage" is a Somali novel, which the author carefully portrayed a shattered marriage, caused by the disintegration of the Somali family structure after the civil war. In his writing, Mr. Adam Abdi makes you feel, care, and deeply understand the life of a married Somali couple who the difficulties and hardships in a refugee camp, and in a war torn country took them apart. It is a vivid and rich story that is blended and flavored with authentic Somali culture that makes you read twice and even more... Amount: $15.95 (paperback) View details |
![]() Written by:Xaashi M. Guuleed Buuggu wuxuu ka hadlayaa halgankii dheeraa ee ay ummadda Soomaaliyeed u soo martay helitaanka madax banaanideeda. Sidoo kale waxaa buuggu wax ka xusi doonaa dawladihii talada dalka gacanta ku dhigay iyo jabhadaha hubaysan ee sababay in ummadda Soomaaliyeed heerkan soo gaarto. Amount: $15.98 (paperback) View details |
![]() Written by:Marian Hassan / Illustrated by Betsy Bowen A Scary Somali Folktale In this hair-raising cautionary tale from Somalia, the Hargega Valley is plagued by the monstrous DHEGDHEER, who gobbles up anyone unlucky enough to cross her path. A widow and her young son try to escape her. Will they be DHEGDHEER'S next meal or will their virtue save them and help bring an end to DHEGDHEER'S reign of terror? ) Amount: $15.98 (paperback) |
![]() Written by:Mr. Anwar Maxamed Diiriye This Somali-English dictionary of Somali onomastics and proverbs is the result of a monumental effort on the part of the young Somali scholar, Mr. Anwar Maxamed Diiriye. It attempts to produce a reliable reference work that can serve not only the needs of any outsiders curious about Somali language and culture but also the crying needs of a new Somali generation in the diaspora who are either cut off or alienated from such culture. Amount: $24.98 (paperback) |
![]() Written by:Dr. Cabdullaahi Sh. Xuseen (Hantiwadaag) Qoraha Buuggan Dr. Cabdullahi Shiikh Xuseen"H/Wadaag" wuxuu soo bandhigay dhacdadaan oo ah qiso dhab ah, wuxuuna ugu magac daray "AYAAN DARAN" oo ah sheeko aad u xiiso badan oo weli nooceeda oo kale aan la soo tebin waxaana laga soo dhiraandhiriyey dhibaatada bulshadeed ee taaganta ah. Amount: $15.98 (paperback) View details |
![]() Written by:Abdihakim Aden (Baarri) Lion's Share/Qayb Libaax (A Somali Bilingual book) "Abbaayo, wuxuu ahaa dhalintii uu Baadarigii Talyaanigu u qeybin jiray Mootooyinka ee ka baxay Diintii Islaamka. Waxaan ku arki jirey dugsiga luqadaha ee XALIIMO & Kaltuurada Talyaaniga. Xaqiiqdii waan naxsanaa meeshaad isku barateen kolkii aan isku kiin arkay saakey, run ahaantiina abbaayo waan kaala hanweynaa kaa oo kale, xattaa cindigeyga mar qur ah kuma soo dhicin walaashaa baa baran ama la hadlikaa oo kale? baa Cibaaro si lama filaan ah u tiri. Amount: $15.98 (paperback) |
Written by:Awil A Hashi with Abdirahman A. Hashi " Completely revised and expanded edition containing 50,000 new words and phrases. " Innovative and highly simplified phonetic system makes words easy to pronounce. " Abundant illustrations make learning new words easier to understand. " Common word combinations show how words and phrases are used in together. " Generous examples sentences show how words and phrases are used in context " Clear and concise definitions make the edition more user-friendly. Amount: $20.98 (paper cover) |
Written by:Awil A Hashi with Abdirahman A. Hashi " Completely revised and expanded edition containing 50,000 new words and phrases. " Innovative and highly simplified phonetic system makes words easy to pronounce. " Abundant illustrations make learning new words easier to understand. " Common word combinations show how words and phrases are used in together. " Generous examples sentences show how words and phrases are used in context " Clear and concise definitions make the edition more user-friendly. Amount: $19.98 (Pocket size edition-Paper back) |
Written by:Awil A Hashi with Abdirahman A. Hashi " Completely revised and expanded edition containing 50,000 new words and phrases. " Innovative and highly simplified phonetic system makes words easy to pronounce. " Abundant illustrations make learning new words easier to understand. " Common word combinations show how words and phrases are used in together. " Generous examples sentences show how words and phrases are used in context " Clear and concise definitions make the edition more user-friendly. Amount: $24.98 (hardcover) |
![]() Written by:Marian Hassan / Illustrated by Betsy Bowen A Scary Somali Folktale In this hair-raising cautionary tale from Somalia, the Hargega Valley is plagued by the monstrous DHEGDHEER, who gobbles up anyone unlucky enough to cross her path. A widow and her young son try to escape her. Will they be DHEGDHEER?S next meal or will their virtue save them and help bring an end to DHEGDHEER?S reign of terror? ) Amount: $15.98 (paperback) View details |
![]() Retold by: Said Salah Ahmed / Illustrated by Kelly Dupre Lion's Share/Qayb Libaax (A Somali Bilingual book) The hungry animals of the Somali forest have worked together to kill a big fat camel. Now they must decide how to divide it. Will the portions be equal? Not with the lion in charge! Read this popular Somali fable and see why, as the other animals come to understand, "the lion's share is not fair!" Amount: $17.95 (hardcover) View details |
![]() Written by:Kathleen Mariarty/ Illustrated by Amin Amir
Author's note:
Long ago in East Africa, Sultans ruled the land. In Somalia there are many stories told about a real sultan namked Garad Farah Garad Hirsi. For a time in the mid-19th century he ruled a region of Somalia. It is common for Somalis to have a nickname or naanays in addition to a birth name. The sultan's nickname, Wiil Waal was a great leader, with the ability to unite people through the use of riddles, like the one shared in this story. He was a real man, but the stories told about him may or may not be real...
![]() Written by:Gobaad Communications & Press Gobaad dhaqansidaha waa sannadle soo bandhiga qormooyinka ku saabsan arrimaha cilmi-baarista ee dhaqanka, afka, suugaanta, taariikhda, dhaqaallaha,ganacsiga, caafimaadka &horumarinta bulshada. Amount: $10.95 (paperback) ( Sanadkii) |
![]() Retold By: Kelly Dupre / Illustrated by Amin Amir /Somali Translation by Said Salah Ahmed The Travels of IGAL SHIDAD Long ago, Igal Shidad lived in Somalia. Like many Somali People, he and his family were nomadic herders of camel and sheep. They traveled the land in search of water and grass for their animals. Thousands of funny stories were told of Igal because even though he was a wise man, he was also known as a coward. Igal’s unreasonable fears caused him much trouble, but with cleverness and faith, he always managed find solutions to his problems. This tale of Igal is still told to every Somali Child. (paperback) View details |
Written by:Abdulkadir Khalif Hashi " Buuggan oo ka kooban in ka badan 300 oo bog waxaa lagu soo aruuriyey cilmi badan oo la xiriira naxwaha luqadda Ingiriisiga. Waa buug qofka aan luqadda English-ka garanayn, kan aqoontiisa luqaddu bilow tahay iyo qofka aqoontiisa luqaddu dhex-dhexaadka tahayba u noqon doona macalin, qofka luqadda English-ka yaqaana uu ka dhigan karo reference. Wuxuu buuggani ku barayaa Isticmaalka hadalka iyo qaybihiisa kala duwan sida: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, conjuctions, verbs, adverbs, etc. Amount: $16.98 (hardcover) View details |
Written by:C/Rashiid Khaliif Xaashi and C/Nuur Khaliif Xaashi Iftiin’s Supper Handbook 1996, Iftiin Publishers English-Somali Reference Guide
Amount: $16.98 (paperback) View details |
![]() Written by:Maxamed Ciise Barre (Ibnu Ciise) Gobaad dhaqansidaha waa sannadle soo bandhiga qormooyinka ku saabsan arrimaha cilmi-baarista ee dhaqanka, afka, suugaanta, taariikhda, dhaqaallaha,ganacsiga, caafimaadka &horumarinta bulshada. Amount: $18.95 (paperback) View details |
Written by: Umar S. al-Ashqar The ideal Muslimah is proud of the great position that Islam has given her among humanity. She performs her duties knowing that her role is clearly defined and that her rights are still, even today, greater than what any other ideology has provided. She is a woman of moral excellence, true to her nature, not confused by alien and morally bankrupt ideas Amount: $17.95 (hardback) View details |
Written by: Umar S. al-Ashqar Some people think that writing about this topic is writing about a matter that should remain on the periphery of knowledge. They believe in going over this topic in the quickest of fashions and not giving it too much thought. They think that the benefits of such a study are very limited, and that being ignorant of this topic is not harmful at all. However, this is not an irrelevant matter. Humans today spend billions of dollars, with which they could develop countries and end poverty in the farthest reaches of the world, on research to discover whether there is any possibility of life on nearby planets. Scientists spend a great deal of their time and resources on this question. What about living beings that are known to exist right here with us on earth? They live in our houses and they eat and drink with us. In fact they affect our thoughts and our hearts and even drive us to destroy our own selves and to spill one another's blood. No Price can be put on the importance of the texts of the Qur'an and authentic hadeeth that have reached us, giving us knowledge of this matter. Those texts uncover for us the secrets of these fellow-creatures: the
world of the jinn. |
Written by:Umar S. al-Ashqar Is it true that mankind today has reached such a level of progress that they have no need of the Messengers and their teachings? Are humans capable today of guiding themselves without referring to the methods set out by the messengers? The answer is No. Mankind need to know the messenger, and the Message
he conveyed. They have to believe in what he said and obey him. The only
way to achieve happiness and success in this world and in the Hereafter
is to follow the Messenger. By following the messenger, man will become
aware of the details of good and evil, and Allah will be pleased with
him. His guidance, man is like a fish out of water. When man abandons
this, then his heart is spoiled. |
![]() Written by:Shiikh Cabdulqaadir Maxamud Cisman Buuggan waxaad ka heleysaa jawaabaha 244 su'aalood oo dad muslimiin ahi ay dalbadeen in looga jawabo. Jawaabaha su'aalahan oo ay ka iftoodeen qaar ka mid ah culumada ugu caansan caalamka Islaamka, oo ay ka mid yihiin: Ibnu Taymiya Inbnu Baaz Inbnu Cutheymin Ibnu Jibrin iyo weliba Guddiga Joogtada ah ee Iftaha Sucuudiga Amount: $18.95 (paperback)) View details |
![]() Written by:Abdirahman A. Hashi Kitaabkan cusub ee DA'YARTA MUSLIMIINTA wuxuu ku saabsan yahay barashada akhriska iyo qoraalka quraanka iyo barashada Shanta Salaadood ee Aasaasiga ah. Wuxuu dadka Musliminta ah ee jecel barashada diinta Islaamka u sahlayaa inay iskood isku baraan akhriska QURAANKA KARIIMKA AH, dadka aqiibta u leh akhrinta QURAANKA waxay Kitaabkan uga faa'iidaysan karaan inay caruurtooda si fudud u bartaan akhriska iyo qoraalka QURAANKA KARIIMKA ah. Kitaabku wuxuu ka kooban yaay saddex qaybood:
Amount: $17.95 (paperback) View details |
Written by:Awil A Hashi with Abdirahman A. Hashi " Completely revised and expanded edition containing 50,000 new words and phrases. " Innovative and highly simplified phonetic system makes words easy to pronounce. " Abundant illustrations make learning new words easier to understand. " Common word combinations show how words and phrases are used in together. " Generous examples sentences show how words and phrases are used in context " Clear and concise definitions make the edition more user-friendly. Amount: $20.95 (paperback) |
![]() Written by:Marian Hassan / Illustrated by Betsy Bowen A Scary Somali Folktale In this hair-raising cautionary tale from Somalia, the Hargega Valley is plagued by the monstrous DHEGDHEER, who gobbles up anyone unlucky enough to cross her path. A widow and her young son try to escape her. Will they be DHEGDHEER'S next meal or will their virtue save them and help bring an end to DHEGDHEER'S reign of terror? ) Amount: $15.98 (paperback) View details |
Written by:Awil A Hashi with Abdirahman A. Hashi " Completely revised and expanded edition containing 50,000 new words and phrases. " Innovative and highly simplified phonetic system makes words easy to pronounce. " Abundant illustrations make learning new words easier to understand. " Common word combinations show how words and phrases are used in together. " Generous examples sentences show how words and phrases are used in context " Clear and concise definitions make the edition more user-friendly. Amount: $24.95 (hardcover) |
![]() Written by:MSaleban M. Said (Dhoodi) MAXAA BURBURIYEY SOOMAALIYA? MAXAASE XAL NOQON KARA? Noole kasta oo aduunka guudkiisa saarani in kasta ha le'ekaadee wuxuu leeyahay cadow ugaarsada, waxaana noole kasta oo dareen leh waajib ku ah inuu ku baraarugo deegaankiisa ugu horayna barto cadowgiisa, ka dibna la yimaadaa farsamo iyo xeelad uu isaga difaaci karo. Haddii uu san nooluhu la imaan farsamo iyo xeelad wuxuu noqonayaa mid baylah u ah una nugul inuu xilli kasta ku dhaco dabinka cadowgiisu u dhagayo iyo farsamooyinka uu ku ugaarsanayo. Hadaba Soomaalidu ma ku baraarugsan yihiin cadowgooda soo jireenka ah? Mase garanayaan? mase leeyihiin xeelad iyo farsamo ay uga hortagi karaan? Buugaani wuxuu tooshka ku ifindoonaa cadowga dhabta ah ee ummadda Soomaalida. Wuxuu muujin doonaa qaybaha cadowga Soomaaliyeed iyo sida qayb waliba u shaqayso. Waxaa kaloo buugu xusi doonaa sidii cadowga Soomaaliyeed u burburiyey Qarankii Soomaaliyeed iyo dhibtooyinkii uu shacabka Soomaaliyeed u gaystay burburkii ka dib. Ugu danbaynta buugu wuxuu soo bandhigi doonaa barnaamij dib u heshiisiin ah iyo talooyin qoraagu xal u arko. Amount: $15.95 (hardcover) View details |
![]() Written by:Shiikh Cabdulqaadir Maxamud Cisman Buuggan waxaad ka heleysaa jawaabaha 244 su'aalood oo dad muslimiin ahi ay dalbadeen in looga jawabo. Jawaabaha su'aalahan oo ay ka iftoodeen qaar ka mid ah culumada ugu caansan caalamka Islaamka, oo ay ka mid yihiin: Ibnu Taymiya Inbnu Baaz Inbnu Cutheymin Ibnu Jibrin iyo weliba Guddiga Joogtada ah ee Iftaha Sucuudiga Amount: $18.95 (paperback)) View details |
![]() Written by:Abdirahman A. Hashi Kitaabkan cusub ee DA'YARTA MUSLIMIINTA wuxuu ku saabsan yahay barashada akhriska iyo qoraalka quraanka iyo barashada Shanta Salaadood ee Aasaasiga ah. Wuxuu dadka Musliminta ah ee jecel barashada diinta Islaamka u sahlayaa inay iskood isku baraan akhriska QURAANKA KARIIMKA AH, dadka aqiibta u leh akhrinta QURAANKA waxay Kitaabkan uga faa'iidaysan karaan inay caruurtooda si fudud u bartaan akhriska iyo qoraalka QURAANKA KARIIMKA ah. Kitaabku wuxuu ka kooban yaay saddex qaybood: |
![]() Written by:Saleban M. Said (Doodi) Calafla' is a love tale about strife and struggle and perservering through innumerable odds. This story is set in Somalia at the time of the Civil War, and how a young couble have thus then fought a war of their own to reclaim their true love. It is an isnspiring story of humanity in its essence. Amount: $15.95 (Paperback) View details |
![]() Written by:Awil Hashi and Abdulahi Hussien / Illustrated by V. Jagankumar BilingualEnglish-Somali Edition The Golden Cat is a story that addresses life values such as patience, compassion and hope, ages 8-14. Presented as a fairy tale, this book addresses the idea that "if only you have the patience to lliik, the compassion to care, and the hope that yur help makes the world a better place for all living beigs, no matter what your situation is, there are always members of the animal kingdom out there who are in desperate need to be librated feom poverty and/ or ignorance". Amount: $22.98 (Paperback) View details |
![]() Written by:Awil A Hashi with Mona Hashi / / Illustrated by Mary MacVory Bilingual English-Somali Edition Stories from the Horn of Africa has five entertaining illustrated stories from the Horn of Africa of younf children, ages 5-12. This bilingual English-Somali edition provides an opportunity for English-speaking children and others to learn about this important region of the world withn a culturally based context, and to even try learning Somali. For Somali families, the book provides a reading environment that will help both parents and children to learn language skills and culture, and to build bonds through sharing of these classic stories. Amount: $22.98 (hardcover) View details |
![]() Written by:Marian Hassan / Illustrated by Betsy Bowen A Scary Somali Folktale In this hair-raising cautionary tale from Somalia, the Hargega Valley is plagued by the monstrous DHEGDHEER, who gobbles up anyone unlucky enough to cross her path. A widow and her young son try to escape her. Will they be DHEGDHEER'S next meal or will their virtue save them and help bring an end to DHEGDHEER'S reign of terror? ) Amount: $15.98 (paperback) View details |
![]() Written by:Axmed Maxamed Cabdi-Kulumbo Illustrated by: Amin Amir KOORA DADAB: CISHQI IYO COLAAD waa sheeko run ah oo dhacday badhtamihii qarnigii ka horeeey Daraawiishta. Dhammaan dadka ku xusani waa dad jirey oo la yaqaano iyaga tafiirtoodiiba. Waxay sheekadu ka kooban tahay guud ahaan laba qaybood oo waaweyn, tan hore oo ah colaad dhexmartay laba beelood oo ood iyo ab wadaag ahaa, tan labaadna waa jacayl dhex maray dhalinyaro labadaas beelood ka mid ahayd.
Amount: $25.00 (paperback) |
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